Arya Chandra Chowdhury hails from Kolkata and is an Indian artist. He studied from Govt. College of Arts & Crafts, Kolkata. Chowdhury is known for beautifully presenting the human form in his paintings. His works features detailed brushwork and brilliant use of colour, light, and shade. His paintings include scenes from mythology and contemporary life, capturing the beauty and complexity of men and women. He mainly works with mix media on figurative art especially, focusing on the female body. He uses oils, acrylics, watercolours and mix media for his paintings.
He has achieved various national and international awards, including the Silver Brush Award in 2006 and the Golden Brush Award in 2007. His artworks convey a unique and sensual expression of emotions. His pieces are displayed at the Kolkata Assembly Hall and are part of private collections in the USA, Poland, Germany, Dubai, and the UK.
Arya Chandra Chowdhury lives and works in Kolkata.